[ Mrs. Owner]

wordless of friday nite ! auum ! :)

Assalamualaikum ! hyeeee awkk ! ^_^

Girl if your boyfriend lbih pentingkan kwn2 lelaki dia dari anda biarkan,anda kena faham dia. , . .coz if anythng happen to him. . .and he need supportd and helpd. . .you can't help him. .melainkan kawan2 lelaki dia. . . . Seriously . . . .

Guys. ,if your girlfriend lebihkan kawan perempuan dia dari kamu. . .u must understand. . Coz anythng happen on her heart. .u can't help her. . .melainkan sesama perempuan. . .
And guys ! take note please if your girlfriend like me... ! ahahha..please think wisely ! because my friend more to a boy rather than a girl. u must understand, coz anything happen outside home.. i will call a boy not a girl :) " wey ! moto rosak laaa...cmner?"... " ok2!..chill je.. ak dtg !" that why i love to being friend with them.. 

but sometimes, i dont know are they seriously sincere or it just more than i think. ishh.. these are one of the reason i prefer to stand on my feet rather than i expect someone come and help me... urhhh ! susah nk cri kwn yg memang ikhlas nk buat ak kwn....semua mempunyai agenda...

ok enough ! thank you :)

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